Smart Home_Products & Solutions_Goertek
  • z6尊龙


      1. z6尊龙·(中国区)官方网站

        Smart Home

        Smart Peephole (Doorbell)

        Smart Peephole (Doorbell) integrates "visible" and "Talkback", "photogragh", "monitor" and other multiple functions, can realize remote monitoring via WiFi connection.

        • Goertek
        • Goertek

        Smart lock and router

        Comprehensive application of a variety of techniques to achieve unlocking through fingerprint, password, App, remote terminal etc.

        • Goertek
        • Goertek

        Technology leadership

        Skilled in the use of ultra low power design technology.
        Industrial design and human engineering design capability.
        Experienced in variety of wireless and radio frequency technology.
        Integration of a variety of cutting-edge imaging platform technology.
